![Service Channels](/upload/CmsPage/Hizmet-Kanallari.jpg)
Enerjisa Mobile Customer Services Centres
We access the less busy and rural areas where we do not have a Customer Services Centre via our Mobile Customer Services Centres. Our mobile vehicles travel approximately 250,000 km per year to ease your lives.
You can find our Mobile Customer Services Centres information below:
You can find our Mobile Customer Services Centres information below:
Province | Sub-province | The Nearest Physical Services Centre and its Distance (KM) | Description |
ADANA | ALADAĞ | KOZAN - 68 KM | Tuesdays on week 2 and 4 of the month |
İMAMOĞLU | KOZAN - 35 KM | Thursdays on week 1 and 3 of the month | |
FEKE | KOZAN - 48 KM | Every Wednesday | |
SAİMBEYLİ | KOZAN - 81 KM | Every Thursday; | |
TUFANBEYLİ | KOZAN - 120 KM | Every Friday | |
ANKARA | AKYURT | ÇUBUK - 20 KM | Every Monday |
AYAŞ | SİNCAN 36 KM, BEYPAZARI - 42 KM | Every Tuesday | |
ÇAMLIDERE | KIZILCAHAMAM - 30 KM | Fridays on week 1 and 3 of the month | |
ÇAYIRHAN | BEYPAZARI - 25 KM | Every Monday | |
ELMADAĞ | KIRIKKALE-37 KM, ANKARA (Ulus) - 40 KM | Every Monday and Friday | |
GÜDÜL | BEYPAZARI - 35 KM, SİNCAN - 60 KM | Every Tuesday | |
HAYMANA | POLATLI - 35 KM | Every Friday | |
KALECİK | PURSAKLAR - 50 KM | Every Monday | |
NALLIHAN | BEYPAZARI - 60 KM | Every Monday | |
ÇANKIRI | ÇERKEŞ | KARABÜK - 79 KM | Every Tuesday |
ILGAZ | ÇANKIRI - 55 KM | Every Thursday | |
KURŞUNLU | ÇANKIRI - 85 KM | Fridays on week 2 and 4 of the month | |
ORTA | ÇANKIRI - 70 KM | Fridays on week 1 and 1 of the month | |
ŞABANÖZÜ | ÇANKIRI - 45 KM | Fridays on week 1 and 3 of the month | |
HATAY | HASSA | KIRIKHAN-40 KM | Every Tuesday and 2nd and 4th week of the month on Fridays |
ARABAN | GAZİANTEP-65 KM | Wednesdays on week 2 of the month | |
DUZICI | OSMANIYE-45 KM | Every Thursday | |
YAYLADAGI | ANTAKYA-44 KM | Wednesdays on week 1 and 3 of the month | |
ALTINOZU | ANTAKYA-25 KM | Fridays on week 1 and 3 of the month | |
KARABÜK | ESKİPAZAR | KARABÜK - 39 KM | Tuesdays on week 1 and 3 of the month |
YENİCE | KARABÜK - 30 KM | Wednesdayson week 1 and 3 of the month | |
KASTAMONU | ABANA | INEBOLU - 33 KM | Fridays on week 2 and 4 of the month |
AZDAVAY | KASTAMONU - 103 KM | Wednesdays on week 2 and 4 of the month | |
BOZKURT | İNEBOLU BOZKURT - 35 KM | Tuesdays on week 2 and 4 of the month | |
ÇATALZEYTIN | INEBOLU - 60 KM | Fridays on week 2 and 4 of the month | |
PINARBAŞI | KASTAMONU - 124 KM | Wednesdays on week 2 and 4 of the month | |
KIRIKKALE | BALA | KIRIKKALE - 64 KM, GÖLBAŞI - 49 KM | Tuesdays on week 1 and 3 of the month |
DELİCE | KIRIKKALE - 50 KM | Wednesdays on week 1 and 3 of the month | |
KESKİN | KIRIKKALE - 35 KM | Tuesdays on week 1 and 3 of the month | |
SULAKYURT | KIRIKKALE - 51 KM | Wednesday on week 1 and 3 of the month | |
MERSİN | GÜLNAR | SİLİFKE - 65 KM | Every Thursday |
KARAİSALI | ADANA -51 KM | Thuesdays on week 2 and 4 of the month (13:00 - 16:00) | |
DÜZİÇİ | OSMANIYE-30 KM | Every Monday | |
KARATAŞ | ADANA-52 KM | Tuesdays on week 1 and 3 of the month | |
ERZİN | DÖRTYOL-14 KM | Wednesdays on week 2 and 4 of the month | |
ZONGULDAK | ALAPLI | EREĞLİ - 20 KM | Wednesday on week 1 and 3 of the month |
GÖKÇEBEY | DEVREK - 20 KM | Wednesday on week 1 and 3 of the month | |
KİLİMLİ | ZONGULDAK - 10 KM | Tuesdays on week 1 and 3 of the month | |
KOZLU | - | Mobile vehicle service is not provided. |