Development at Enerjisa
At Enerjisa, we design our training and development programs by diversifying them according to the different employee profiles and various professional requirements. We offer our employees both personal and professional development opportunities with our training programs that address different segments and support the continuous development of Enerjisa employees in every field.
LEAP DIGITAL: Designed to improve the leadership skills of our managers at director-level positions and their knowledge on recent trends, the development program aims to raise awareness of the team on the latest trends and new technologies in the energy sector, get them to familiarise with the new business models in the digital world and increase their leadership skills through these models.
STEP: STEP development program is designed for the leaders at Manager and Group Manager levels to strengthen the leadership and management skills of our leaders and increase their knowledge on the latest trends in the sector. As part of the Management, Digital and Performance Coaching modules of the program, managers are introduced various concepts. The journey is supported by coaching and various simulations besides in-class training.
JUMP: The program is designed for our employees at Team/Process Leader positions in line with our special skills model with the purpose of improving the development of our managers and increasing the managerial skills. As part of JUMP program, of which the contents are updated each year in line with different learning and development goals, we encourage our participants to implement what they have learned.
GATE: Designed for our employees at Specialist and Assistant Specialist levels, the journey is focused on the skills development of our employees. As part of GATE program, of which the contents are updated each year in line with different learning and development goals, we support our employees through various learning methods, such as online platforms and in-class training.
YOUNG ENERGY: Young Energy is a development program designed to support the development of newly recruited Enerjisa employees who are at early stages of their career paths and newly graduated young professionals. The programme aims to support the participants to know themselves better and realise their potentials, keep their performances high and introduce necessary skills and knowledge for them to get prepared for the responsibilities that they will undertake throughout their career journeys. The program is supported by various practices including the organisational awareness raising training, skills-based training, team works, inventories, inspiring gatherings, discussions with leaders, coaching and mentoring.
SALES SCHOOL: The development program designed for the Enerjisa employees at sales function is supported by various practices including customer-centric perspective, sales skills, personal skills and professional technical know-how development, in-class training, team works, inspiring gatherings, discussions with leaders, and mentoring.
Furthermore, as part of the KOZA development program introduced under the roof of Sales School, we have the goal to improve the existing competencies of our Sales Persons and Representatives and get them prepared for their next roles.
ENGINEER DEVELOPMENT SCHOOL: The development program includes training for engineers working under the distribution companies to meet the requirements of the sector, as well as professional and technical training requirements. Including theoretical and practical training, Engineer Development School has the purpose to increase the technical capacities and technical efficiencies of engineers as well as preventing work accidents through training systematics for the distribution operations.
YODA MENTORING AND YODA REVERSE MENTORING PROGRAMS: As part of the YODA Mentoring program, we have the goal to support the personal developments and leadership skills of our employees, while also contributing to corporate culture and business models through strengthening the communication among the business units and improving the in-house networks. Reverse Mentoring Program aims to encourage knowledge, know-how and experience transfer between the generations.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE IMPROVEMENT: In order to strengthen our Global Organisational culture, we support our employees with online or group language training at all levels.
TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT ACADEMY: With the ‘Technology Development Academy’, which was designed to support the developments of Enerjisa employees working in Information Technology & Digital Business Management Department teams, we have the goal for our employees to reach their highest potential in a dynamic work environment and enhance their strategic perspectives in line with the vision and goals of Enerjisa. The programme includes various training, interactive videos to support technical development and upskilling as well as inspiring meetings and discussions.
INSIDER WE LEARN FROM EACH OTHER: Insider is an Internal Trainer program designed with the goal to increase the know-how transfer within Enerjisa and include the know-how to corporate memory. Participants who would like to become in-house trainers are included in the Training for Trainers and Trainer Coaching processes following their application and assessment processes; and they create training contents related to their specialties. Our in-house trainers get together with our employees who demand training and get the opportunity to share their knowledge and know-how with other Enerjisa employees.
MOBILE TRAINING CENTRE: In line with our vision to add value to our country, we attach importance to our human resources investments. In order to support continuous development of our employees working at the head offices and distribution operations, we transform our country’s roads to a school. We visit the operation centres and provide technical training to our employees working at field operations. Furthermore, we build partnerships with universities, vocational graduate schools and vocational high schools; hence, we support vocational training of students who are to become employees of the future with theoretical and practical training and inform them about the latest industrial practices. Our Mobile Training Centre, a first in the energy sector, is equipped with the cutting-edge tools and equipment used in the sector; and is featured to provide all theoretical and practical technical training that may be required during field operations. Equipped with the photovoltaic solar energy panels and the wind turbine, the mobile training centre generates the electricity it requires and sets an example in terms of environmental awareness.
CORPORATE RETAIL ACADEMY: With the ‘Corporate Retail Academy’, which was designed to support the developments of Enerjisa employees working in Corporate Retail teams, we have the goal for our retail teams to reach their highest potential in a dynamic work environment and enhance the strategic perspectives of the participants in line with the vision and goals of Enerjisa. The programme includes training to support technical development and upskilling, as well as inspiring meetings with the prominent names in the sector.
YOU CHOOSE CATALOGUE TRAINING: We support human resources who will achieve the strategic goals of Enerjisa via innovative learning methods and prepare them as individuals that will carry the organisation to the future. Including varying contents each year, our training catalogue, which is prepared based on training development plans and requirement analyses developed for continuous development mentality to become the corporate culture of Enerjisa, is offered to Enerjisa employees.