
Daha iyi bir kullanıcı deneyimi için internet tarayıcınızı tam ekran olarak kullanınız.

I paid somebody else's bill; how can I get a refund?
Please visit the nearest service point to submit a petition or call our Enerjisa Call Centre on 444 4 372 for your refund request. After you submit your petition which should include the contract account number you paid for by mistake and the contract account number you want to make payment for together with your payment receipt, your petition will be processed by our relevant teams and you will be. In case a correction is deemed appropriate, the payment made for the incorrect account will be transferred to the correct account. The amount to be transferred to the correct account will be deducted from your current debts, if any. In case you do not have any debts, the amount in question will be refunded to the IBAN in your own name which you have declared in your petition, if requested.
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